Originally Posted by Sultana
And why is Peter sick now? I was wondering if it was a small thing, being near Claire again would help him get over it (if she can heal injuries, shouldn't she be able to heal illness too?).
I picked up on Peter's sickness as well. The best theory I can come up with, is that his body can't handle the multiple powers he's absorbing. I'm thinking back to an old X-files episode where the villian was a kid who could run like The Flash. The kicker was that the power was slowly killing him because his mere mortal body just wasn't designed for the strain.
Originally Posted by Sultana
Oh, and do you suppose that Sylar can now pursuade people, now that Eden's brains were all over the glass? Or does he need a whole brain to figure out someone's power?
I think this question qualifies you for the Geek Merit badge.

I have no idea.