She should handle her own kid. Also, if he is as bad as the report and everything leads to, then he doesn't deserve a GameBoy. I mean, if a child is really bad all year, why spoil him now? When I was little, if we were bad we got half-eaten candy bars and bread crusts. Literally. Then a few good presents would come out because we really weren't that bad.

My grandpa made sure of that by using his belt when we got out of line even the tiniest bit.
Parents are not hard enough on their kids though. I see it everyday and I don't even want to get started on the topic. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I heard a parent ask me for advice and say, "I just don't know what to do?" I give them advice like, grounding from tv, video games, early bedtime, etc. Response: "Oooh, then he'd be mad at me. I don't want that."
I just want to smack them.