I definitely feel sorry for/pity criminals. There's a catch though -- only the ones who genuinely regret the decision they made. What if you're a good person your entire life, and then in a decision that was made pumped on adrenaline threw a brick through a store front and hit someone during a riot?
You go to jail. That person just ruined their life due to adrenaline and not thinking. They immediately regret their decision, and now they go to jail for years. Game over to a person who lived their life as a good citizen up until that point.
It's sort of hard to explain. Let's say you've worked at a restaurant for 10 years and one day a customer is unbelievably rude. You've never fucked with anyone's food up until that point. You spit in their food. The customer catches it and you get caught. Bam, your work history is ruined, everything you've ever did is ruined because of one uncontrolled outburst.
Do all of these people deserve justice? Yeah, but it's easy to see how miserable they would be if they got busted when living an otherwise good/honest life.
You know these people would never have committed the crime if given another chance, but you don't get chances in our society. They made 1 single mistake in their entire lives and now the rest of their life is over because of it. One mistake costs you the <I>rest of your life.</I> I can't imagine being one of those people.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert