Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I don't have buddies at the UN. I speak for myself.
You are not in the UN but your position suggests that Bolton was ineffective. That represents a position on behalf of those in the UN. Since they may use diplomacy to get what they want from someone they disagree with they may very well say they don't like his style when they really dislike his position. Your disagreement with Bolton is based on "style" rather than "position". I think you have fallen in the "diplomacy" trap set by those in the UN who disagree with the US on substance. I agree I should not have used the term "buddies", I was wrong - I apologize.
Pardon me. Are you aware of all of the people, most particularly in Africa, who have suffered rape, kidnapping, mutilation, displacement and murder while America and the rest of the world officially did nothing?
Hello! Isn't that what I said.
And now you are going to base your endorsement of a man whom apparently only George Bush himself still supports (who has a non-existent record of admitting when he is wrong, btw) on the genocide in Darfur?
I base my endorsement on his performance. Your basis is on "style".
I think the US should do more to end genocide. We should have done more in Rawanda and more in Darfur. I am not clear on your view. Obviously the UN is not doing enough, but you don't want to call them on it? How do you negotiate with people who won't call genocide, genocide?
Excuse me while my blood gets a little heated.
I am not Beta zoid. I will assume you are being honest.
I purport that those willing to blindly follow along with the Bolton folly are far more concerned about politics and the sudden insecurity of the future of their heyday in Washington than they are about the beleagured citizens of Darfur.
Being a Beta zoid must be nice. Can you tell me how I really feel about my mother?
And no, I don't mean to offend. Anymore than you mean to offend me by assuming that I am dismissive of the crisis in the Sudan because I don't support John Bolton.
I am not a diplomat nor a great communicator. If I have not explained why Bolton's personality, style or whatever is not the problem, I will not be able to. Dafur simply illustrates the point that while some debate Bolton's style real people die. When real people are dying being "harsh", being "over-the-top", being "critical", being "outspoken", being an "a$$", is not a problem in my book.
[QUOTE=ratbastid]ace: show me one positive thing Bolton accomplished while at the UN. One concrete thing. So far your sterling example of his effectiveness is, he complained about stuff. What did he
He has not accomplished anything of merit.
Bolton's not a bulldog. He's a crybaby. He lashes out because he's ineffective at constructive and creative solutions to world problems.
He is a quiter too. Now it is up to the other diplomats to solve the worlds problems - I wonder why they haven't. Was it Bolton? Was it Bush? Din't think so.
The source of your cognitive dissonance here, ace, is that you are too locked in your view to hear anything that disagrees with it. And this is the second thread that has gone like this. That's why everything everybody says seems so insane. From the world-view you're married to, it would be insane. You can't grasp why we don't like Bolton's aggressiveness as much as you do. So far you haven't actually heard what anyone has said we do dislike about him.
Now we have three Beta zoids. I thought Star Trek was fictional.
Actually the soure of my cognitive dissonance was my High School football coach.