Originally Posted by aceventura3
Why did you use the term "genocide" isn't that harsh? You buddies at the UN don't think its genocide.
I don't have buddies at the UN. I speak for myself.
Why don't they call it "genocide" perhaps they are being diplomats, while people die. In my opinion Bolton was not aggressive enough. Now that he leaves we will send some one even more interested in not offending people, while others die.
Pardon me. Are you aware of all of the people, most particularly in Africa, who have suffered rape, kidnapping, mutilation, displacement and murder while America and the rest of the world officially did nothing? And now you are going to base your endorsement of a man whom apparently only George Bush himself still supports (who has a non-existent record of admitting when he is wrong, btw) on the genocide in Darfur? Excuse me while
my blood gets a little heated. I purport that those willing to blindly follow along with the Bolton folly are far more concerned about politics and the sudden insecurity of the future of their heyday in Washington than they are about the beleagured citizens of Darfur.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
P.S. Are you one of those Beta-zoids, like Deanna Troy from Startrek, where you can read my emotions and know how sincere I am and other conservatives? Or are you just trying to be offensive?
And no, I don't mean to offend. Anymore than you mean to offend me by assuming that I am dismissive of the crisis in the Sudan because I don't support John Bolton.