I will be very content if Bush nominates someone like John Danforth, Bolton's predecessor. Danforth, a former Repub senator (and minister who presided at Reagan's memorial service in DC) was recognized for his knowledge of Africa and the third world as well as his diplomatic style. He was making real progress on the Sudan issue but resigned after six months to "spend more time with his family" (a cover, many insiders say because he became increasinlgly alienated from Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld on Iraq policy and the fact that Bush put Sudan on the back-burner as a result)
The names I hear mentioned are former moderate Dem Senator George Mitchell (who was Clinton's envoy to Northern Ireland and chaired and negotiated successful peace talks), former moderate Repub COngressman Jim Leach from Iowa (who just lost, but has strong credentials) and current deputy ambassador
Anne Patterson, who has a long career in foreign service and is highly respected in the UN.
The Dems will not be unreasonable, as long as Bush isnt. There are many highly qualified candidates other than the above.