this article:
"These devices are just repositories for stolen music, and they all know it," UMG chairman/CEO Doug Morris says. "So it's time to get paid for it."
I wonder if anyone that is part of the RIAA, MPAA, or any major label owns an iPod or other music playing device (we all know UMG execs were required to buy a Zune). Is it possible that they, themselves, use it for nothing more than stolen music and feel the need to bear their black souls upon us? As Tycho from
Penny Arcade mentioned,
Microsoft pays Universal whenever they sell a Zune. It's not a lot, but Universal made it a prerequisite for working with them. Squeezing even their "Three Days or Three Plays" out of these guys must have been like juicing granite.
Frankly, I think juicing granite may actually be an easier task as there is surely some
Juiceman Juicer that is up to the task. Is anyone up to the task of stopping the Music Industry Juggernaut?
I have to wonder, additionally, where this ends? If nobody stands up to them, when will their appetite for litigation and US Dollars be satiated? I think the RIAA/MPAA represent the combined 21st century Scrooge and Grinch, stealing and pilfering with a "Bah Humbug!" here and a "I hate Christmas!" there.