Thanks Nancy!
Tonight's mid-season finale was great. Claire's friends being mindwiped, Persuado Girl getting wasted (sigh), Matt staking out the Haitian, Claire and Peter getting all googley, Hiro set to take on a T-Rex... I can't wait for the story to pick up again.
Here's a tidbit I found on a Doctor Who website
According to Michael Ausiello, in his November 15th column at, Ninth Doctor actor Christopher Eccleston has joined the cast of NBC's breakout show Heroes. Eccleston is set to play Claude, a man who can become invisible. Says Ausiello, "Fanboys, prepare to piddle yourself. Christopher Eccleston — the original Dr. Who from the current Sci Fi/BBC series — is joining the cast in January in a really super (tee-hee) role." Although this hasn't been confirmed yet, it fits in with recent news in DWM that Eccleston has been over in the US seeking work.
Fun, no?