Originally Posted by aceventura3
Perhaps it did not work because he did not have the support of Congress and the US. Bolton's response was nice compared to what I think. I guess you would support the watered down tone by Annan, which didn't work and he had the support of the rest of the world and the liberals in the US. All this not wanting to hurt someone's feelings while people die is making my blood boil. I must sign off. Thanks.
Sorry, but your conviction that John Bolton's main purview and concern at the UN was to save innocent lives is rather disingenuous, don't you think? And for that matter, conservatives are coming to the "we must stop genocide and the world's injustice" party rather late. But hey, better late than never. We won't turn you away at the door.
No one is talking about not hurting someone's feelings. We're dealing with the sudden mass realization that the tactics attempted by the Bush administration to effect change and combat terrorism were ineffective at best and catastrophically inept at worst. Why not direct your indignant outrage where it belongs?