Originally Posted by Charlatan
*snip* the right way instead of the Right way.
Nice quip!
In general, I am liking the turn of events in Washington. I believe that losing people like Rumsfeld and Bolton, bless their cold, cold hearts, is definitely a move in the right direction. Although, I read yesterday about this Rumsfeld memo the day before the midterms calling for a "change of course" in Iraq...ahhhh, too little, too late, Rumsey, my dear.
And, you know, it's not the Right so much that I have a problem with. After all, there are attitudes and policy desires on the left that I do not agree with, either. It is the brusque disregard of the loyalty of our traditional allies and the contemptuous bullying we have displayed since the run-up to the Iraq War. These are not traditionally conservative MOs and I think (I hope?) those conservatives who feel the same way about our disgraceful behavior on the world stage will be gaining some ground in Washington over the remaining two years of the Bush Admininstration's tenure as it is made more and more clear what a disaster these people marched us into with their methods. This is what I am hoping at least. At any rate, a little good news is better than bad.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Instead of celebration, when are "we" going to start looking at the bigger picture? If you simply take this as an embarassment to Bush - I think that is short-sighted.
At what point do "we" take it personal when the UN is used as a forum by other leaders to insult "us" and "our" President?
Like a spoiled child who gets what he/she wants by crying, how is Bolton's resignation going to make it easier to fix the problems in the UN? Any time in the future, when we send someone in with a strong opinion on a subject - the crying will start in the UN until they get what they want.
How is Bolton's resignation going to make it better for the next person?
I agree enjoy this while you can, but realize "we" have taken a step in the wrong direction, no matter how you personally feel about Bolton.
I don't know. How about "we" put "someone" in the UN who can be a strong advocate for the US and our interests without being an outspoken critic of the very organization he or she is assigned to contribute to? How about we stop being bull-headed, arrogant pricks who think we're going to change the world and bask in the radiant displays of world admiration (hearts and flowers anyone?) without the support or assistance of other major world powers? "We" are not that special. "We" cannot do it alone. The world is a different place. What seemed to be possible to a room full of neo-cons thirty years ago, is not going to work today.
...there's a couple suggestions.
And I'm not sure why Bolton's resignation is supposed to make his successor's job easier. His successor will be dealing with the same world consternation with the US as Bolton did.
And the delegates at the UN have every reason to be critical of the US right now. What do you really expect?