Instead of celebration, when are "we" going to start looking at the bigger picture? If you simply take this as an embarassment to Bush - I think that is short-sighted.
At what point do "we" take it personal when the UN is used as a forum by other leaders to insult "us" and "our" President?
Like a spoiled child who gets what he/she wants by crying, how is Bolton's resignation going to make it easier to fix the problems in the UN? Any time in the future, when we send someone in with a strong opinion on a subject - the crying will start in the UN until they get what they want.
How is Bolton's resignation going to make it better for the next person?
I agree enjoy this while you can, but realize "we" have taken a step in the wrong direction, no matter how you personally feel about Bolton.
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch."
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion."
"If you live among wolves you have to act like one."
"A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers."