The Exploder is mine, I've had it almost 2 yrs now and replaced the A4ld trany once already and I dont know how long this one will last. I'm not very nice to my cars or trucks. I've got a lift for it that I've never put in yet because then I would want tires too and that would seriously agravate my trany problems. Hell, I used to have 33x12.5's on it with no lift!
My room mate right now has 4 rangers, one stock 2wd one 2wd with 7" lift. 1 stock 4wd and one lifted 4wd. I think most of them are in the process of being traded off except the stock 2wd that he plans to take the 4wd running gear from this B II and put under it. Don't ask me why! Also his g/f has a B II that is getting the trans from one of the rangers put into it. That guy has way too small ford trucks!
Ive wandered around explorer forums too, some interesting stuff there. I just wish someone knew how to over ride the auto hubs in my exploder to manually lock them. I haven't gotten around to converting to Warn manual hubs yet and I've gone through several of the plastic inner hub cams. I've thought about disassembling my spare set of outer hubs and converting them to fully locked flanges.
Also high up on my to-do list is a GM 700R4 trans.