I got rid of an old laptop awhile back. On general principles, and for privacy, I took the hard drive out of it and threw it into a box.
There is a game on it that I can transfer if I can pluck a couple of files off it. So I dropped $13 and bought this adapter, which professes to allow you to connect IDE drives, including laptop ones, to a USB 2.0 port.
The connector flips over for the larger hard drives. The drive I want to access, a 500 meg one, is attached. There is a power cord that is used for power to the larger drives.
Apparently because the drive is so old, the adapter overhangs the four pins which I assume provide power to the drive.
Does anyone have any (cheap) suggestions on how to access this drive? The last thing I want to do is open up another laptop, and I doubt that's a good idea anyway.