Originally Posted by jorgelito
Ah good point Charlatan. You definitely have a good reasoning from a film studies perspective. I lost sight of the actual assignment. Instead, my reflex was to immediately roll my eyes at the pseudo/quasi film culture that has infected wannabes everywhere. I live in LA where this disease is rampant and out of control. You really have to see it to believe it and understand what I am talking about.
Anyways, at the end of the day, all that really matters is if you like or enjoyed the movie or not. Not whether or not some film snob tells you it's profound or cool etc.
I completely agree. You don't have to live in LA to experience this phenomena.
Your last point is what I used to tell my students all the time. It's one thing to enjoy the films of Bergman or Fellini but to do so at the expense of all the other great films that are out there is myopic. People who say they "love" film but then go on to ignore or view popular films with disdain drive me nuts.
There are gems to be had from around the world in all genres and all forms. You just have to have an open mind.