Originally Posted by n0nsensical
Your problem is with the inner for loop in the function call. You don't need a loop there at all. Just initialize j to 0 before entering the (outer) loop, and when there's a successful test of cInputOld[i], assign to iBinary[j] and increment j, unless you're trying to do something other than what I'm thinking. Also, you should initialize the iBinary array or only print the values that were actually stored.
what he said.
what your code currently does is every time there's a '1' or '0', it loops through iBinary[] and replaces every value, up to the size of cInputOld[], with the integer value for the character. since '1' was the last one in cInputOld[], it wrote 9 (size of cInputOld[]) 49's into iBinary[]. if you want it to set itself to 1 or 0, the integer, make sure to subtract the integer 48 from the value of the character. that'll get your numbers in line. only your numbers.