This argument reminds me of a joke...
John is retiring after 20 years of working, he gets thrown a party by all his friends and co-workers. They all start chanting "speech, speech!" he makes his way up to the podium, and begins: "Friends, Family, Well Wishers... I am here today to not only retire, but to offer some advice. You can build a thousand bridges, but do they call you John the Bridge-builder? No. You can mend a thousand broken bones, but do they call you John the Healer? No. You can sleep with a thousand women, but do they call you John the Ladies Man? No. But... I swear to god, you suck one little dick..."
This is something that is going to stick with you for as long as you live. Even if no one else knows, you will.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.