Originally Posted by Yakk
They "need" to tax us enough to pay off the debt accrued in order to build the current society.
Currently, the government has a few billion dollars of extra tax "needed" above and beyond the annual requirements. 
I will try this one more time becuase I may not be explining it correctly.
Yes, they do need to pay down the debt.
The amount that they want to pay should be part of the annual budget.
They should have a planned amount that they want to pay and it should not be whatever we accidentally have left over at the end of the year.
Aside from emergencies and unforseen events they should not be sepnding on anything that is not in the budget. Remember, the budget was approved by parliament as a blueprint for what the government is going to collect and what they are going to spend.
A surplus arises from a few possibilities:
- Poor budgeting
- Poor use of allocated funds (not using what was allotted)
- cutting costs
- unforseen revenues
A defecit arises from a few possibilities
- Poor budgeting
- mismanagement of allocated funds
- unforseen costs
- lower than expected revenues
Most of the reasons for being off budget, by large amounts not by small amounts, are due to mismanagement whether there is a defecit or surplus.
The reason a surplus sounds better is becuase:
- The government will spin it as if they did something good
- The consequences are favorable to being off budget in the other direction (defecit)
We should not be happy with a goverment that consistently has a surplus.
It means they did not budget correctly and that money that they collected should have been alloted to something in the budget (e.g. like paying down the debt).
Originally Posted by grolsch
Being in Montreal, I have no choice but to vote liberal.
I did not vote liberal last election. I could not do it anymore. I would have lived with the consequences.
Originally Posted by feelgood
Wow, that statement is just...odd.
How can you have no choice?
I think the idea is that if the non-Bloc voters split their votes between other candidates then the Bloc will win.
I don't think this is a crucial as in the provincial elections. I can live with the Bloc but I don't want to live with the PQ. The PQ are going to try for another referendum.