Originally Posted by Sultana
His original ability was fixing things (Is watch working a superhuman ability?!?). I would have said, "fixing *mechanical* things". How would that work in an organic, biological environment (human brains)? I just don't see that he's adding abilities as he kills folks. And adding/collecting super powers isn't "fixing" anything. He doesn't turn watches into speed boats. He just made them work again.
I wonder what happened to that little girl he was after, that the Cop saved?
Well, to quote Gabriel Grey, aka Sylar, "Just a talent I have for the way things work. How the parts should go..." The moment that Siresh works in, Gabe noticed that his watch was broken. And when Sylar met Brian, he was "broken". Sylar can see the "part" in the brain that make up one's power. He appears to be able to extract that ability and take it into himself, and make it his own (the basterd). And yes, villians tend to over power the heros.
And regarding the little girl, I think she has a normal, less tasty brain.