Originally Posted by host
For those of you unfamiliar with what some of our troops say of this "mission"....(does it matter much, if it is said in jest, or in all seriousness ?) <b>"hearts and minds" = "one in the heart and two in the head"</b>.
I have also heard this dispicable rhetoric, and I believe that this attitude is whast's wrong with the modern military in general. A soldier desensitized from violence, one who is without sympathy, empathy or remorese, is a killing machine. A killing machine will kill anyone that they are ordered to kill without a thought. A killing machine will even kill without orders, because they live in a reality where the normal rules of right and wrong are blurred to the point of being nonexistent. When you live in a reality where you may play God and take lives without consequence, murders will occour and often.