Originally Posted by aceventura3
I glad we have agreement so far. Next question - or just a statement - We know there was not peace during Muhamad's life time. Before he was born can't we trace wars back through the Roman Empire, Alexander, and even as far back as the golden age of Egypt? Were there gaps in violence and war, I doubt it. But hey what do I know, since I am so, so far off base in making extreme statements.
Why are we evn talking about this? What does it matter of human nature can lead to violence? I think we already take that into account when figuring the relationship between Iraq and Iran. Just because there may not have been peace for a generation in the past few hundred years doesn't mean that Iraq and Iran can't peacefully coexist.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
The reason I don't pet polar bears at the zoo is because I generalize. I agree it is not fair to friendly ploar bears to generalize like that. But who said everything has to be fair.
You don't pet polar bears at the zoo because you're not allowed to. There are lerge fences between you and the bears, as well as secutiry.
But again, what does that have to do with Iran and Iraq?