I'm enrolled in a film studies course and at the end of this shindig I have to submit a course project. It's an analytical film essay of about 10 pages. Nothing too demanding when compared with what's expected in my other classes.
Anyway, when I submit my next lesson, I have to submit a list of films I would like to use for my project and I thought it would be fun to hear your suggestions.
Like I said, nothing too overwhelming. I just have to find a film and then define the theme of my paper (anything from editing technique to mise-en-scene to symbology).
Personally, I have no preference. I could use a movie I'm already fairly familiar with and slap out a paper, but I want to learn something--maybe have a little fun--and that's where you guys come in.
The only requirement (so far anyway
) is that I choose a movie we haven't already viewed and discussed.
Originally Posted by --Off-limits--
American Beauty
Annie Hall
Apocalypse Now (original 1979 release, not the redux version)
The Birds
Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut (1991 release)
Bowling for Columbine
Citizen Kane
Do the Right Thing
Double Indemnity
The Graduate
Have at it!