One day I will accept the fact that all the problems in the world are our fault.
wow, ace....so fill me in...how is it that the debacle in iraq as it stands at the end of november 2006--3 years into a war undertaken without anything approaching an adequate rationale by the bush administration, launched without anything seemingly like a rational plan for anything beyond the "they will greet us as liberators and strew the streets with flowers beneath our feet" fantasy central to the wolfowitz doctrine (now head of the world bank,which apparently the kind of award you can get for unthinkable incompetence if you are adequately well-connected within the conservative establishment) and that has now obviously deteriorated into civil war--a function of the simple fact of american occupation, its inept planning, its disastrous execution---how this links at all, in any way, to what you imagine is the eternal history of violence in the region?
no wait, i have a guess: "o those arabs are just violent crazy people. the american debacle in iraq simply provided them with an occaision to express their violent craziness yet again. therefore the american debacle in iraq plays no meaningful role in the unfolding of civil war in iraq because those crazy people would probably have had a civil war anyway because they like that sort of thing."
even if that is not exactly what you had in mind--though it makes sense in a kinda noxious way of your posts to this thread--what is obvious is that the central motor of your "view" of this fiction you call "the history of the region" is geared around one empirical factor: the defense of american conservatism and all it stands for even in the face of a disaster for which there is no-one---at all---anywhere---to blame BUT american conservativism in the personae of those glory-covered figures of the bush administration. whose statues will no doubt litter parks around america eventually, once the erasure of the present and its replacement with some schizophrenic conservative-friendly narrative happens.
"donald rumsfeld: defender of freedom everywhere, a well-meaning fellow who stumbled into the eternal chaos of the middle east blah blah blah....we won that war too"
try again, ace.