Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Will whats all this "propaganda" nonsense you keep talking about? You try and make it sound as if the US or the West in wrong when they point to the facts that Iran has been violating the NPT treaty they signed.
Iran was not clear about uranium imports, conversion, and enrichment, BUT there is absolutely no proof that they are developing nuclear weapons. The supposed breach, they never actually broke any agreements. It was just suspicous behavior. Iran is not required to allow the IAEA inspections of a new nuclpear facility until six months before nuclear material is intruduced into it. Iran wasn't even required to inform the IAEA that facilities existed. Enrichment is not a violation of the NPT. All signs point to them developing nuclear power. That doesn't stop the propoganda machine from insisting that they are developing nuclear weapons, and they are a danger to everyone who loves freedom, or some such nonsense. President George W. Bush insisted August 31, 2006 that "there must be consequences" for Iran's defiance of demands that it stop enriching uranium. He said "the world now faces a grave threat from the radical regime in Iran." Bush is picking another fight with a country that's simply trying to switch over to nuclear power. That's the propoganda.