I think that our world will not have changed much at all in 100 years. We sure as hell won't even get close to having created a space ship capable of travelling our solar system in 100 years, much less outside of our solar system. Automobiles that drive on the ground will still be used, most likely still being propelled by some sort of combustion engine. The theory that we will EVER have flying cars is pretty much bullshit if you ask me. Think about all of the bad drivers now, and think about what would happen if we were all a mile in the air with them. Not gonna happen.
I think 300 years is a pretty good estimate for travel within our solar system. We're nowhere near any type of technology that allows travelling speeds fast enough for a human to make it to the outer planets in any reasonable amount of time, and most definitely not outside of it.
Nanomachines won't catch on for years and years and years and years. People say we'll be using them in our everyday lives by 2010 but that's bullshit. More like 2050 earliest use.
Technology has improved by a truly remarkable amount in the past 100 years, but 100 years ago, we walked around in our houses with lights on, drove cars to work, and fought wars with automatic machine guns. You went to college to get a nice job. There weren't as many conveniences as there is now, but in a dumbed down simplistic view, not much has drastically changed our society (like electricity). 100 years from now we'll definitely be more computerized and technology will be of higher quality and much easier to use, but nothing earth-changing or human-ending will occur, be it global warming or comets.
None of this is backed up with facts but it's simply by view of the world and technologies' rate of advancement.