I have trouble beleiving that Iran's current plan with nuclear energy has something to do with what their energy situation will be 90 years from now. It seems like there's too many immediate conflicts to worry about, and given how situations in the middle east have changed over just the last few decades, 90 years from may as well be a thousand years. I mean, if Iran was really concerned about being able to produce nuclear energy within, say, 10 years, you'd think they'd be more delicate and meticulous about it, and work to create a situation where the world is OK with them developing nuclear energy. Instead they just cause a big stir about how they aren't being allowed to generate it *now*, this very instant.
Originally Posted by willravel
The biggest problem Iran has is the worst PR ever, being completly outclassed by the western propoganda machine, which is still in overdrive trying to convince the world that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and needs to be stopped.
I think I disagree here to. You said it yourself: the western proganda machine is
trying to convince the world that Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons... but it has yet to do so. You aren't convinced, I'm not conviced... so how is the western propagana machine succeeding?
So, actually, I'm thinking Iran is doing well on the PR front. The west is playing right into Iran's hands when western countries continually cause a fuss about Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran comes off as the victim, as far as I'm concerned.
And let's not forget how good Ahmadinejad looks in his business casual button down, khaki pants and sand colored jacket. I ain't kiddin'.
But I do agree with what you said about why Iran wants to be on the Iraqi government's good side.