The probable outcome of this is at best a Shiite puppet bitch state for Iran. It's not that Iran is growing tired of our inability to cause stability, they are the ones fueling it. Who do you think supports the various militias? Iran. Do you not think Iran, a Shiite Sharian country does not have agents amongst the SHiite majority in Iran? In the government bloc the United Iraqi Alliance, a bloc which holds 140 seats of the 275 seat parliament, many of whom were exiles from the 80's and proteges of the Iranian revolution. In addressing the militias you have the Badr militia which is about 20,000 strong and has strong ties within the Iraqi security forces, they are not listed as a primary concern for US personnel but they are a group that is fueling the sectarian strife. Then there is the Al-Sadr Mahdi army which is a concern for the safety of US forces, has known operational ties Iran. Tony Blair has even leveled charges against Hezbollah, an Iranian supported terrorist group, for killing 8 British soldiers. Iran in Iraq is a bad thing any way you slice it; right now they are a major part of all the problems. If we ask for there help they will only further their influence, which in turn would only fuel sectarian violence.
America might be wise to consider some type of action against Iran if this continues.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.