I think Sylar only has one power, telekinesis, but it might be advanced. Suresh found Sylar and helped him to use his powers, who knows what Suresh might have found out while helping Sylar develps his powers. Did it actually say that he was removing their brains?
As soon as they were investigating sylar and the blonde detective walked into the scene in the house and it had the lady pinned to the side of with stuff sticking out of her, which normally only a couple of people would be able to achieve I knew he would have been a telekinetic.
We'll just have to wait and see
Might be aliens too, the two pin pricks on the back of Matts neck and Radioactive mans neck. The strange tatoo on Niki has on her shoulder coincides with what was on Sureshs' book, and it's what the haitian guy wears around his neck. So I think you could be right about the large company bit..