Regarding ShaniFaye's post on biblical interfamilial marriage:
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
If you look at it from a religious standpoint.... cousins having sex with cousins is not one of the forbidden relationships as defined in Leviticus where as sex between "steps" was
Between parents and children Leviticus 18:7-8
Between stepparents and stepchildren Leviticus 18:8, 17
With your paternal or maternal aunt Leviticus 18:12-13
With your uncle or aunt Leviticus 18:14
Between brother and sister and half-brother and half-sister Leviticus 18:9
Between stepbrothers and stepsisters Leviticus 18:11
With your daughter-in-law Leviticus 18:15
With your sister-in-law Leviticus 18:16
With your granddaughter Leviticus 18:10
With your step-granddaughter Leviticus 18:17[
In the NT, Elizabeth and Zachariah (the parents of John the Baptist) were cousins (not known how close their family ties were), and even Joseph and Mary (Jesus' "father" and mother) were in the same family.
First cousins marrying is not expressly forbidden in scripture - but it is in many laws of many states and many countries.
(still hoping we can keep this thread going.....