Originally Posted by Siege
Moskie, I like your suggestion. But I would think that if your idea is true, Sylar shouldn't of had any problem identifying who Claire was. Instead, he killed the other one.
BUT at the end of the episode it shows Sylar getting captured, and what do those guys do when they capture someone? Yep, that's right, they have the haitian (sp?) wipe your memory.
It also shows Peter getting captured by the cops, perhaps that will be his turning point if he stays in prison. Maybe he even runs into Nikki there.
The only thing that seems off is that I thought his absorbtion powers wore off after a few minutes? Like the flying. Although maybe when he grows in skill he gets to keep the powers permanently.
Also, at the end when they showed Sylar's eye in a brief bit of lighting it reminded me of Peter's eye. Anyone want to check?