Originally Posted by willravel
you refused to admit your mistake..
Here is the problem with that. I didn't make a mistake.
If I failed to understand your sentence, it was far less likely that it was my reading comprehension skills and far more likely that it was your inability to communicate effectively.
So, I made no mistake for which I must admit error. What could I possibly admit to? Misunderstanding what you wrote? I misunderstood your brutalizations of the english language. How does that sound?
But that's an exaggeration, isn't it? Your grammar, syntax etc are pretty darned good. Most people online can barely put together a sentence into a coherent statement. You're pretty doggone good at writing. But that doesn't mean that I should have necessarily gotten that you were using simile and if I didn't get it that it could have only been my fault.
And it goddamned sure doesn't mean that I didn't know what a simile was before you quoted that ridiculous fucking dictionary.com for fuck's sake.
So no, I won't admit to making a mistake. I made no mistake. But you made a mistake in presuming that I didn't know what a simile was. I don't expect you to admit to that anytime soon.