Originally Posted by McDuffie
Look, I'm in Africa right now. It's 4 AM here. Do you really want to keep this up? No? Good.
I'm in Anadyr, and its 3:40 a.m. here (not to mention a bit cold), and yet my discourse remains rule abiding.
Originally Posted by McDuffie
I am glad I decided to go ahead and read the rest of your post after all.
Yeah, I am reel dum. I dint no wut a quote unquote simile wuz untell u mentioned it before. I axed my daddy wut u ment and he told me 2 axe uncle granpa. See uncle granpa's reel smart. He done been threw 7th grade 2 times. He was so good at it, they told him he dint have 2 come back.
I just love it when I am accused of not being smart or educated by people who write crap sentences like this:
willravel never insinuated that you were unintelligent or uneducated. I am unsure as to why you were so quick to draw the conclusion that he was. It was a debate over a simile, nothing personal.
Originally Posted by McDuffie
I was actually responding to someone who was picking a fight with me.
Yes, because willravel always picks fights...
Originally Posted by McDuffie
Don't kid yourself, kid: reading your post carefully doesn't reveal that you were using a simile, and reading my post after reading yours, and then your response quoted above, reveals that you know you were corrected.
... Oh wait, nevermind.
There's no reason to make such a fuss over a misunderstanding. You cleary have some sort of complex over your ability to interpret similes, which is fine; just conduct your debate in a civil manner. You've breached the rules of TFP several times, and, though that may be your style of posting, is not acceptable here. You are welcome to post in any way you'd like