Originally Posted by Zeraph
Ok, the damning part was off, but try and see it from my perspective, when I read your first argument of the "dude, wtf..." it's going to color my opinion of you.
Understood. I was really thrown and did make a knee jerk reaction.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
And sure, if 2% difference makes that much of a difference to you then fine, but my main beef with you is your slur (or what have you) about bestiality and cousins.
All I meant by that is that they were both things that triggered an ick. I woulnd't assume to tell people what to do. I just wanted to give my opinion.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
You say that that small % difference is what does it for you, but non related couples can have genetic problems too. Did you and your wife get checked out before deciding to have a child? See a genetics counselor?
Yes. Because of my heart condition, a coarctation of the aorta, there was a roughly 4% chance that my offspring could have some sort of defect, though the doctor assured me that if it happened, the odds of it being a major defect were infantesimal. My wife's family had no history of heart defects, so we decided to go ahead.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
Life is about taking risks, if first cousins want to spend the rest of their lives together a 2% difference shouldn't keep them apart and they shouldn't have to hear disparaging baseless comments about their lifestyle because of it.
Nor should that 2% keep them apart. I make decisions about my life and they theirs.