Originally Posted by willravel
Yes, it is about 2%. Let me make this perfectly clear: if I am to choose between a 2% chance of homozygosity and a .000001% chance of homozygosity in my daughter, which do you think I'd choose? I know the odds, and I'm not interested in playing them at the possible (2% possible) detriment of my offspring.
I'm damning people? Did you read the last part of the post you quoted from? Please read the last paragraph. Here it is:
Ok, the damning part was off, but try and see it from my perspective, when I read your first argument of the "dude, wtf..." it's going to color my opinion of you.
And sure, if 2% difference makes that much of a difference to you then fine, but my main beef with you is your slur (or what have you) about bestiality and cousins.
You say that that small % difference is what does it for you, but non related couples can have genetic problems too. Did you and your wife get checked out before deciding to have a child? See a genetics counselor?
Life is about taking risks, if first cousins want to spend the rest of their lives together a 2% difference shouldn't keep them apart and they shouldn't have to hear disparaging baseless comments about their lifestyle because of it.