Originally Posted by willravel
I, personally, think the taboo goes far beyond procreation. This is a close family member. This is like a half brother or sister. The cultural taboo that I have always understood is that there are very different rules when it comes to family (outside of obvious biological reasons). Dating a sibling, uncle/aunt, cousin, child, or parent is quite unacceptable (and quite disgusting). Mind you I don't think this is me being prudish. I have no problem with two men having relations. I have no problem with people of much different ages having relations. I have no problem with S&M or other kinky type stuff. This is different.
As stated before: I see this as being similar to dating a half sibling (one parent shared). It's wrong.
To join the current fray, McDuffie, it appears you have lost the context in which willravel was speaking. See above for "I think", "I have always understood" and "I see". These are value statements, and are not meant to be absolutes. You seem to be trying to make willravel's posts into something you can hunt down and shoot. You've shot, and missed, as evidenced by this post:
Originally Posted by McDuffie
Yeah, I am reel dum. I dint no wut a quote unquote simile wuz untell u mentioned it before. I axed my daddy wut u ment and he told me 2 axe uncle granpa. See uncle granpa's reel smart. He done been threw 7th grade 2 times. He was so good at it, they told him he dint have 2 come back.
My cousin is like my brother, but that doesn't mean that I am comparing the DNA of the two of them when I make that statement. It offers a view into the status of a relationship or a view into the belief system of my family's dynamics and mores. Some people do not believe it is morally acceptable to have sex with a blood relative, especially if they're close DNA wise. I am one of those as well, yet I don't judge those who have done so. Just because I believe it's not right, doesn't make those who have done the cousin thing "bad people".
And I thought this was the topic of this thread, not trying to pick fights with someone who just stated their opinion.