I am glad I decided to go ahead and read the rest of your post after all.
Yeah, I am reel dum. I dint no wut a quote unquote simile wuz untell u mentioned it before. I axed my daddy wut u ment and he told me 2 axe uncle granpa. See uncle granpa's reel smart. He done been threw 7th grade 2 times. He was so good at it, they told him he dint have 2 come back.
I just love it when I am accused of not being smart or educated by people who write crap sentences like this:
Originally Posted by willravel
I'm sorry you missed the comparison between two different family members, but that hardly means that I didn't make the compariosn. Are you fimilair with the concept of perception and conclusion? You read something, you give it context based on experience, then you draw a conclusion. Somewhere in there, probably in the experience thing as you might not have much experience with using or percieving similes, there was a simple mistake. No harm done.