Originally Posted by Zeraph
Where are your sources that say it "greatly increases" (in realitys it's something like a 2% higher chance, and they have genetic counseling or whatever its called for those 2%) the chance for genetic problems?
Yes, it is about 2%. Let me make this perfectly clear: if I am to choose between a 2% chance of homozygosity and a .000001% chance of homozygosity in my daughter, which do you think I'd choose? I know the odds, and I'm not interested in playing them at the possible (2% possible) detriment of my offspring.
Just a suggestion to everyone in general: start with the assumption that someone isn't ignorant and go from there. If you find out later, then there you go, live and learn. If you assume someone is ignorant and then find out they aren't you could hurt someone's feelings if they respect your opinion.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
If your going to damn about 20% of the world's population then maybe you should form your opinions on current research instead of outdated beliefs.
I'm damning people? Did you read the last part of the post you quoted from? Please read the last paragraph. Here it is:
Originally Posted by Willravel
Honestly, I'm not interested in homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, etc (please do not take that I am comparaing those things except that they are considered by some to be taboo). The nice thing about being a liberal like myself, is that I will fight for the rights of others, even if they trigger an ick factor. While it's obvious from my posts in this thread that the cousin thing hits a major ick factor in me (as once did homosexuality, and as pedophilia and zoophilia still do), but what you do in the comfort of your home, so long as it doesn't hurt or take advantage of anyone, is fine with me. I hope that's always clear.
At the end of the day, you're behavior is your own and if it doesn't hurt anyone, what does it matter if it makes other people go 'ick'?