Originally Posted by willravel
A mental mind set? Hardly. It's the hypothetical genetic similarities between my wife and I that would have greatly increased the probaility that a genetic problem could have negatively effected my daughter, the most precious thing in the world to me. That's what my opinions are formulated upon, not a so called "small portion of ignorant society".
If my wife and I were related, which we absolutely are not, I would seriously consider becoming asexual. I would raise my daughter, release my wife from her responsibility to be faithful (I wouldn't want her to be celebate for the rest of her life, that's her decision), and I would simply live out the rest of my life. I'll never stop loving her, of course, but sexuality with a first cousin is wrong, and that will not change in my mind.
Yeesh, where do I begin? You compared just having sex with a first cousin (not even having children) to having sex with animals, otherwise known as bestiality. Yet apparently your opinions are formulated on your knowledge of genetics. Which book did you read that one in?
Where are your sources that say it "greatly increases" (in realitys it's something like a 2% higher chance, and they have genetic counseling or whatever its called for those 2%) the chance for genetic problems?
And it
is a small ignorant portion of society, its something like only 26 states here in the US, and legal everywhere else in the world just about (and most of history). And those 26 states were based on old genetic research. Current research shows it's not a problem.
If your going to damn about 20% of the world's population then maybe you should form your opinions on current research instead of outdated beliefs.