The more I think on this it really is tied to Harper's desire to decentralize power. More power for the provinces and less for the federation.
He is doing the right thing vis a vis Quebec but will this lead to similar arrangements across the board and is this something we want to pursue?
This also opens the door to recognizing, in an increasingly formal manner, the concept that Canada was founded by three nations -- English, French and Native. This could result in a step towards stronger native self-government as well. This would be a very interesting move if we could pull it off.
Fresnelly, I was thinking the same thing about Great Britain. There is precedent.
As for your quote feelgood, I think that completely misrepresents the relationship between Quebec and the rest of Canada. They pay a heck of a lot of taxes into the Federal coffers. To suggest they are getting a free ride is nonsense.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke