Originally Posted by ngdawg
I actually had close friends who were first cousins and living together. When they moved away about 14 years ago, they'd been together over 12 years. Both had been married twice before, they had no intention of having kids nor getting married. When she 'had something to confess' to me, my reaction could not have been more nonchalant and actually surprised her at its casualness. Even my 'Archie Bunker' spouse couldn't have cared less. They're adults. They were happy.
First cousins share one set or less of grandparents. In the orthodox or hasidim jewish communities, first cousins marrying is not an uncommon event and it very well may be that way in other religious or racial societies.
While brother-sister, father-daughter, mother-son is a total ICK factor, cousins, to me, isn't. Coming in from the spouse's side, not one cousin is blood related to another; only two boys were born into the family through blood; two boys are adopted and my kids are from an anonymous sperm donor. Weird, huh?
Glad to see you think Sister on Sister action is OK.
Personally, I have no cousins as both of my parents are the only children of their generation to re-produce (my fathre has no siblings, and my matrnal aunt has not children).
I have no problem with cousins together though.