What are your defining differences between these Christian denominations?
-Roman Catholic (Christ, Old)
-Baptist (Southern, Evangelical, Freewill, American)
-Salvation Army
-Mennonite (Old Order, New Order)
-Reformed (Canadian, Dutch, Netherland)
-Orthodox (Eastern, Greek or any other)
-Seven Day Adventist
These are all the ones I can think of. Feel free to add more that I can't think of if you're feeling masochistic. This isn't meant to be a insult to your intelligence (which I greatly respect and, having read through only a few of the other threads, am somewhat intimidated by). I'm just interested in what you feel the defining difference factor is between them. Note that the ones in brackets are there only if you feel qualified or if you're not sick of answering this question.

Feel free to give overtly brief synopses if I'm asking too much. Thanks in advance.