Given that we are about to see the previous 6 months unfold, I wonder if we will arrive at a different present after all is said and done. It could go either way I guess. The older waitress at the diner said that Hiro "popped out of her life month's ago." so in the current present she dies, but perhaps things
will turn out differently as we rewind along with him.
Either way, I'm really looking forward to Hiro's story.
Does anyone have a screen cap of Mohinder's Dad's computer screen showing the names of those with powers? That would be fun to read.
On a production note, to my tender eyes, I think the head(less) cheerleader's death may officially have been the most graphic and gory one ever shown on prime time network television.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life