Originally Posted by slant eyes
hi *waves* everyone, it's been a while...
not sure if this goes here...feel embarrassed...still don't know where this goes after all this time...
my brother has a canon 20d, we've just noticed many dust specs inside the camera body. we've tried blowing it, but nothing works...any one here encounter the same problems?
also, my old nikon 5700 seems to be acting up. the viewfinder would flicker here and there but the shots come out fine, any suggestions?
thanks in advance for your help.
SE, I think this is an inherent problem with the 20D's, because I have had the problem many times. Shoot off a few shots towards a light background with a small aperture like f22. Pull the photos up and see if you can see any dust spots. If you can, the dust is on your sensor.
Check out the link below from Visible Dust.
I recommend the following item they sell from B & H Photo (I use it all the time and my dust problems have stopped with my 20D.
B & H Photo
It'll cost you about $60.00 and it's a good investment, even tho I feel it is way over priced for what you get. It does solve all dust issues.
Can't help you with the CoolPix 5700. I know I sure miss mine for sunsets and sunrise photos.