I've only dated one guy who bawled over me. This recent summer I dated this guy Nate and he cried everytime I talked about going away to school. He also told me he loved me about two weeks into our relationship...clingy! I could tell it was kind of funky when that happened, but toward the end of the summer, I felt it couldn't come fast enough I broke it off with him and he sat down and just bawled his eyes out. I didn't shed a tear, I patted him on the back and said bye. Made me feel like a cold hearted bitch but its fine. He knew it wasn't going to last, he kept trying to press the issue of long distance, and I've been down that road, it dead ends anyway.
It repulsed me to see him cry that much. Occasionally its alright but he just made me sick when it would happen so often. I couldn't believe what a baby he was.
Since then I don't care for men who cry alot. I realize I have my moments and I cry when I'm upset and I don't know what men think of women who cry (what do you guys think if a girl cries on occasion due to stress/upset/school/misc?) I just don't think i could ever date a cryer again. Not for me.