Last Thursday as I was returning to the house after walking young Thelma Lou (my mom's little dog), I heard a "meow meow" coming from one of our out buildings. I looked and saw a small cat's head peaking out from under the outbuilding's door, and as TL and I stepped up to go into the back door, the little cat followed us, thinking she would go in as well. I kept her out, initially.
I remembered my mom saying a week or so ago that she'd seen a cat running into our outbuilding, but didn't think anything of it, as my mom suffers with dementia, and has been known to see things that really aren't there. But this time, mom was right.
It was cold out - about 40 degrees - and it was getting dark, so I let the cat into our laundry room. She was an affectionate little thing, immediately rubbing up against my leg and against the various objects in the laundry room. I made a bed for her in the back corner and fixed a cardboard box with cut up newspaper for a make-shift litter box, and then proceeded to give her some of the catfood my mom had mistakenly bought during her last solo foray as a grocery shopper (she mistakenly bought cat food, even though she didn't have a cat - dementia does that to her.) The little cat ate up two cans quicker than one can say "Bob's your uncle".
The next day, I called our local animal hospital asking if someone had reported a missing tortoise-shell female, but no one had, reported the hospital staff. However, the staff person remarked, there had been someone asking about the availability of a nice, personable cat that would get along with a family, and would I mind if this person called me. I said no, of course, I wouldn't mind.
I got a call about an hour later from the man who was interested, and to make a long story short, he came and got her, and took her back to the animal hospital for testing, just to make sure she was healthy. When I spoke to the animal hospital staff a few hours later, I learned that she indeed was healthy, but would be giving birth to kittens in just about a week! Not being a cat person, I thought the little stomach pooch was just due to the extra food she had received in our laundry room, not to the presence of babies.
But the staff person assured me that if the man who picked her up didn't take her, then the animal hospital would, as she has such a sweet disposition and was just a lovely animal. They were thrilled to have her there, she said.
So I am very deeply pleased that such a wonderful animal has found a home, even though I'm not such a cat person myself. Every good animal deserves a home, and it appears that this little cat had been abandoned to fend for herself (which often happens here, as we live in the country). I'm glad we could help her out.
Any other rescue stories out there?