Bob was a mentally handicapped janitor at a school that liked to try to give back to the community by hiring special needs individuals whenever it could. One day Bob was sitting in the teachers lunch room when Mr. Groom came in to have his lunch also. Mr. Groom took his lunch from a large paper bag and poured himself a cup of coffee from his thermos. Bob had never seen a thermos before so he asked Mr. Groom what it was to witch Mr. Groom replied, "It's a thermos, it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold".
Well, the next day Mr. Groom was having his lunch when Bob walked in with a brand new thermos. Mr. Groom asked Bob what he had and Bob said "It's my new thermos, it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." Mr. Groom then asked Bob what he had brought to work in the new thermos he was so proud of to witch Bob replied, "Two cups of coffee and a Popsicle!"