Originally Posted by hrandani
Here's a tip: Stop masturbating. You *will* get resolve.
I disagree. He will sound the least nervous after he does it..
Wow, how eerily similar the situation is for the OP is for me. No, I'm not a handsome stud that girls follow around at parties, but a few pictures I have put online, girls have told my other friends that I look like a movie star.
Anyways, to the OP: I was in this situation earlier this year. Especially your point #4. I just graduated this year.
I am an engineer, so I understand your point about lack of girls in classes.
I have to say that that one point above (lack of girls in classes) mostly explains the predominant lack of female interaction or female friends we have. Basically, > 75% of my college friends are the same type of engineers as me, and most of my better friends all took the same classes as me the whole way through college.
Imagine now that you are not an engineer, but a psychology or biology major. Automatically, half of your class turned into women! Then, add the fact that you take the same set of classes with these ppl for 4 years! PLUS, you automatically share the same interests (same college AND same major!). Even if you dont find ANY girl to hook up wiht romantically in that situation, you would at least have a dozen girl friends who will hook you up with their hot / cute girl friends.
So really, the answer is that all engineers are screwed over in college unless they start doing a damn about the girl situation right from the start (like we have, but alas only at the last minute). Incidentally, the engineers with the poorer grades happened to be more successful with women (less time studying, more time hanging.. with everyone and girls)
So yeah, my advice is that what people have said above are good, and that don't dwell on the past, and be glad you realized your problem now and not later, and you still have plenty of time to meet people.