You do try hard to hate the Wii, Lasereth

It's based on Gamecube hardware, 360-like or even Xbox-like graphics were never promised. Nintendo have basically said straight out not to expect graphical power, so why keep bringing it up? You get what you pay for, and you're not paying for a tri-core processor with half a gig of RAM.
Now, they're saying in _some_ cases it's not sensetive enough? You should know enough about games to realise that points to a problem with the developer, not the hardware. I've read nothing but praise for Zelda's control. The game you're playing doesn't change the data that goes from the controller to the Wii, it's what the game does with it that matters. It will be some time before it's used properly. It was the same with the DS, it was the same with the 360's graphical power, it'll be the same with the PS3's sixaxis.
Most of the games on the 360 have lackluster reviews, too, and that's a year after launch
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
After watching some launch shows seeing people playing the nunchucks, I don't see how it will be something someone can play for 12 hours without being annoying that you can't just twitch buttons
I don't see how someone can play for 12 hours with a normal controller without having some serious problems *grin* Fifteen minutes on my 360's D-Pad and my thumb starts to hurt.