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Old 11-16-2006, 08:27 AM   #36 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Sticky
I will remember this one.
It will help me appropriately frame any of your posts.

Are you saying that:

If things did not work out the way they did and Israel did not become a nation for all the reasons you believe it should have happened then they would not have any rights as a nation.


Do you believe that the nation of Israel (which exists today) should have all it's rights taken away becuase it should never have come into existence?

or did you mean something else entirely?
I'm saying that the UN massively overstepped it's authority when it declaired that a land already occupied by a people was to be given to the Jewish people in order for them to establish a Jewish state. What if I were to give my neighbor's house to a friend of mine, even though I have no claim to the house at all? No one would recognize the gift because it's not mine to give. I'm basically saying the first one. It's hardly Israel's fault that the UN stole the land out from under the Palestinainas, though they are very much responsible for the human right's violations against the Palestinians. I'm sure they were greatful for the gift. I do think that, because the land should belong to the Palestinians, they should seek peaceful concessions more often than murders, bombings, bulldozings, walls, and other war crimes. I realize that the PLO and Hamas are seriouly dangerous organizations, but look at what Clinton tried to do over a decade ago in September of 1993. It was a rather weak agreement, but it was something. It represented a major step forward towards peace.
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