I will be visiting her today.
I she says there is no option for safemode. If that's the case, then I certainly can't revert it to an earlier save point. I will verify this sometime today. Unfortunately, I won't have access to a computer until maybe thanksgiving. I will also check to see if she has an XP bootdisc that came w/the computer. I believe they can fix corrupt boot files. Can that be verified?
Also, she has the uber care package so worse comes to worse she can have someone physically look at it whether it be at her apartment or some service center.
Cyrnel, regarding pulling of the data onto another harddrive, my uncle actually works in IT and has all the equipment for the procedure. So if it even gets to that point, it's just a matter of her being in boston and my uncle in NY (as am I). Which in the whole scheme of things isn't much of an issue at all^^ Thanks for the help!!