Originally Posted by fastom
Jewish tots wouldn't know what to make of Christmas gifts anyways but it's sure to offend anybody other than the real bible-thumpers.
Why does everyone assume that Jewish families don't observe Christmas? I was raised Jewish, but every year we would have a tree in our den with gifts under it. We would also celebrate Hannukah as well(Notice the usage of the words "observe" and "celebrate"). If I do ever have kids, I would observe christmas for the simple fact that its a day that a child can look forward to and get excited about, not because it has religous meaning.
Christmas has become such a popular holiday that many people observe it without religous conotation(sp?). And as far as I understand it, just like Halloween, Christmas has its roots in pagan religions, not Christianity. It was adopted by Christianity as a means to convert non-christians in Europe as the religion was spreading(again, see Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve). Kind of as a way to tell people "Hey, converting to Christianity isn't THAT big of a change, this is what that holiday you have is actually for".
And for those thinking that La Roe didn't have an ulterior motive, just look at what he says:"A 3-D teaching tool for kids" and "Anyone can benifit from hearing the words of the bible". He's obviously not doing this to try and make kids happy over the holidays, he's wanting to make converts.
If it was about making kids happy, he would give something to spark kids imaginations and that they could have fun with. I mean, come on, how much fun is it to listen to a doll quote bible verses? I can just see the look on this guys face as he visits homes and see's some little boy playing with Jesus decked out in make shift army fatigues with a machine gun, or a little girl playing with it prettied up in a nice evening gown with some make-up on.